Saturday, June 13, 2009

Well, after being wrong about the market (it is going to the moon....) and predicting a bounce to the lows, I humbly admit that I cannot fathom the extreme power of government money.
I guess all is well, evidenced by the market going up on the day GM announced bankruptcy.....
I could have bet you a great deal of money (and of course, I would have lost the bet...) that such an event would not have taken place in that fashion, but I guess it always is about making money instead of being right.
As a result, I can conclude that the market does what it does, it defies logic, reason and any rational analysis by being "human". I guess the singularity event will happen when computers become "human" and I bet you anything that the first applicacion of AI version next is the market.... Wishful thinking for all wannabe quants

June should be an interesting month for the Market