Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just for the record, the market keeps creeping up even when dramatic and very cruel news come out, reading and analyzing chart seems futile when you think about the following:

from the blog:

Markets are rational. They allocate capital to where it is most likely to have the best use. But as a nation, we no longer trust markets, rather we seek to make them conform to our wishes. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and the markets ultimately go where they want anyway.When you try to eliminate the business cycle, debase the currency, rig the numbers, and change the rules of the game midstream, you get...where we are now.The charts don't lie, but only tell part of the story. It's up to us to ask the right questions, and the biggest question is who gets the 'love' from the manipulators.

Benber N. Anke the Saviour of the Market, or not.... Lets analyze this: Ben the Great saved us all and BSC fro a meltdown, then everybody got the all clear signal and started bidding up the market to 10 % from its highs, then oil goes up and everybody is chanting: bear market rally, and now bad news its still good news.

Can someone make sense of all this mess? I wonder about the talking heads and the mass media who are singing: Buying opportunity... and its different this time!

The average investor should stay out of this market. Only fools like me who insist in testing their melt against the plunge protection team and the WS mafia by losing money are still trying to battle the evil moneymaking players on Wall Street.
The crashes come when nobody is expecting them. So we are safe now....
